Michelle Crowther

Michelle is in charge of the Marketing side of things here at Crowther Chartered Accountants. Although she’s not formally trained in accounting, her experience with the business over many years has meant she’s fully got to grips with the accounting services that we offer to our clients. She makes sure that she’s always enthusiastic and ready to meet new (and existing) clients.

We asked the rest of the team to describe Michelle and the words that came up repeatedly were; enthusiastic, approachable, friendly. Many of her colleagues described her as “always smiling” and Practice Manager Steph Moore commented, “Michelle brings great energy to the office and is passionate about moving the business forward”.

Despite working alongside husband Steve, when asked what three things she would take to a desert island, she replied, “George Clooney, photographs and a phone”. Michelle is always on the look-out for exciting new challenges and loves to go out her comfort zone. We asked her what the title of her autobiography would be, and she replied, “Life is an adventure”. Good answer Michelle!

Michelle is heavily involved in local networking event groups, including Yorkie Talkie and Around Town. She has run her own businesses in the past and now focusses her energy on helping growing businesses in the Huddersfield area.

If you’d like to contact Michelle directly, ask speak to her at the Crowther Chartered Accountants office (Huddersfield) on 01484 515544 or email Michelle@crowther.accountants

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