Caroline Pinder

Caroline is no longer the baby of the team at Crowther Chartered Accountants. She joined the team after college. We are proud to say Caroline is a qualified AAT accountant and is studying for her Chartered Accountants qualification.

Caroline is outgoing and confident and is not afraid to voice her opinions and ideas. Her positive outlook is infectious. She is the best customer at the tuck shop and has a chocolate bar or sweets daily! Luckily, the youth is still on her side, and she swims to keep fit!

When asked about Caroline, her workmates described her as “one of a kind” and “lively and outgoing”. She’s fun on a night out and always gets involved in staff events.

We asked Caroline what she would take to a desert island, and her response was, “A sun lounger, Rubik’s Cube and a duvet.” When pressed, she admitted she wasn’t very good at doing a Rubik’s Cube, but she’d have time to perfect it on her desert island!

To contact Caroline directly, ask to speak to her at the Crowther Chartered Accountants office (Huddersfield) on 01484 515544 or email

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